
Riding singlespeed fell out of fashion years ago, but I still enjoy it. Does anyone else? Let's find out with a singlespeed pointless prize. See the linked forum post for complete rules and details.


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RankPlayer#singlespeed Rides#singlespeed Distance
1 A K 85 1709.4
2 Pete 🦥 C 68 1117.0
3 Casey Bailey ⚛️ 98 814.7
4 Luther Swift 34 602.4
5 Jeremy L 48 478.8
6 Steve Offutt 24 317.2
7 glenn ☀️ √glenn 29 267.7
8 Colin Eustis 15 104.2
9 Andrew Churella 19 85.1
10 Pere Maya 15 68.5
11 Pedja Gudac 15 64.8
12 Junko Taniguchi 14 63.1
13 Paul Wilson 1 18.3
14 ricky d 2 16.0
15 Michael Theis 1 4.7
16 Sarah Bee 🐝 1 3.6

The Freezing Saddles software is open-source (Apache 2.0 Licensed) and available on Github.
Inspired by the original scoreboard by ronwalf.

Rides tracked using
Strava logo