
Ride your tandem bike and tag the ride with #tandem. The rider who has the most tandem rides wins. Bonus points awarded for rides with a blind or visually impaired stoker (tag #tandemVI) or with a partner age 15 or under (#tandemKid).

See: https://www.bikearlingtonforum.com/forums/topic/tandem-pointless-prize-2025/

Sponsored by shirag, NoVaNoobGA.

Rank Rider Rides Distance
1 Steve Offutt 40 674.6 mi
2 Lucy McCauley 36 661.2 mi
3 James Hekel 23 137.9 mi
4 Tom Apker 11 49.4 mi
5 Shira Gordon 6 120.4 mi
6 Eric The Red -> Fairfax Squirrel Dodgers 🐿 2 7.6 mi
7 Annalise Groves 1 21.4 mi
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