Pointless Kids

Leaderboard for pointless kids

When you ride with your kids (that is, they are riding with you on their own bikes), tag your ride #withkid[kid codename] and they'll show up here. If you ride with multiple kids at once, multiple hashtags are supported.

Keep it consistent and make your name unique. For example, jrenaut's kids picked new names for themselves this year - pepper8cheez and socr4evr11, so when he rides with one or both of them, he adds #withkidpepper8cheez or #withkidsocr4evr11, as appropriate. Keep in mind if you ride with another BAFS parcipant AND your kid, make sure only one of you tags the kid, or else the miles will be double counted.

Questions can go to the forum post for the prize

For the purpose of this contest, a kid is defined as a human being younger than 14 years old. Older than that and they can have their own Strava account.

This prize is in search of a new sponsor since jrenaut is absolutely the worst prize sponsor ever and never actually gives prizes. (jrenaut wrote this, you can ask him)

RankPointless KidDistance
1 ebop 120.2
2 Pudge 113.9
3 Snowy 100.1
4 SneakyCat 38.9
5 socr4evr11 19.2
6 Lily 19.0
7 visimo 6.9
8 CaptainCrew 5.4
9 DangerWorm 2.9
10 SaltThief 1.0
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